Sunday 18 December 2011

Mestres Joao Pequeno & Joao Grande

Mestre Joao Pequeno

This is an LP rip of an album
I bought in 1989 in
Salvador.To fill up the disc I also
did put Mestre Pastinhas album on it,
therefore his name appears on the cover.
Here you have the original record,
 with tracks 1-5 by Mestre Joao Grande,
and tracks 6-9 by Mestre Joao Pequeno.

Joao Grande & Joao Pequeno

Friday 18 November 2011

Capoeira Gerais

20th of November
day of
"Afro Brazilian Consciousness"
Death anniversary of
"Rei Zumbi"
O grande guerreiro.

"No Quilombo dos Palmares
Cantava junto uma nacao
Salve,salve o Rei Zumbi
Viva o fim da escravidao
Povo de Luanda
Um dia lutou e venceu"

Mestre Mao Branca

Capoeira Senzala

"Hoje tem festa,
No Quilombo do Palmares
Ja se ouve pelos ares
O som estridente do tambor."
Another of my all time favourites,
This time from an album by Mestre Nago. 

Mestre Nago

Sunday 13 November 2011


This album features Mestre Jelon 
and various special guests,
like Mestres Joao Grande,Acordeon
and Cobra Mansa.
The featured track performed by
Mestre Ezequiel
is my favourite capoeira recording 
of all time.

Mestre Jelon

Saturday 12 November 2011

Capoeira Angola

"Toda a Bahia chorou
No dia em que a Capoeira de Angola
Perdeu seu protetor.
Mestre Pastinha foi embora
Oxala quem o levou"
On the 13th of November 1981.
He was 92 years old.

Mestre Pastinha

Thursday 10 November 2011

Volume 1

Various Capoeiristas from the 
Baixada Santista
got together to record
this album.

Clube do Capoeira
Santos - Brasil

Friday 4 November 2011

Musicas De Capoeira

One of my favourite albums.
How often did we sing these two
songs during our rodas.

Mestre Nem
Grupo Arte Das Gerais

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Capoeira De Angola

Another classic album from 1987 by
Mestre Natanael,
who originally is from Bahia
but moved in the seventies to
Sao Paulo.

Mestre Natanael

Monday 31 October 2011

O Pulo Do Gato

I still have an old vinyl copy I bought 
out of the Mestres hands.Great
collection of songs.

Mestre Mintirinha

Friday 28 October 2011

Formado Pica Pau

Originally from Sao Paulo  
Formado Pica Pau is practising his art
under the supervision of
Grupo Capoeira Brasil's 
Mestre Paulinho Sabia.
These days he is living in Campo Largo,Parana.

Formado Pica Pau


A nice recording of Grupo Muzenza.

Grupo Muzenza

Thursday 27 October 2011


Formado Azul was taught by
Mestre Paulinho Sabia
from Niteroi,
one of the three founding fathers of
 Grupo Capoeira Brasil.
He was still a brown belt when he
recorded his album of his beautiful compositions.
Formado Azul is living now in Lausanne (Switzerland).

Formando Azul

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Starting to train Capoeira as a 9 year old boy,
 Mestre Sorriso
of Capoeira Senzala is living since 1998
in Montpellier (France)

Mestre Sorriso

Friday 21 October 2011

Vai Colorindo

Another Formado of the lineage of 
Mestre Boneco 
(Grupo Capoeira Brasil)

Formado Fuinha

No Caminho Da Capoeira

Founded in 1989 by Mestres 
Boneco , Paulinho Sabia and Paulao
"Grupo Capoeira Brasil"
branched out all over the world.
In Australia it grew under the guidance of 
Mestre Peixe Ensaboado.

Group Capoeira Brasil